Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Dreaming With Our eyes Open in Terms Three and Four


In term three we celebrate Book Week. It is one of the biggest events in our school library calendar.

The Book Week program provides the theme, resources, ideas and texts to motivate students to focus on books and reading. It highlights the value of reading, school libraries, children’s literature and Australian literature. We, at Cromer, celebrate that and more in our term three literature program which is so rich that it will extend into term four so that we can delve deeply into the amazing texts and enjoy responding to them in a variety of ways.

The Children's Book Council of Australia, Book Week, has been celebrated since 1945. The slogan for this year is Dreaming with Eyes Open. This beautiful theme affords us the opportunity to reflect on our indigenous culture and also open our eyes to the world around us and have the bravery to dream.

A Local Author

An exciting edition to our library collection is the work of first time author, local resident and friend Janice Wilson. Below is my review of the book which many of our students in upper primary have borrowed and enjoyed.

This time-slip adventure will lead the teenage reader into a dystopian world where nothing in nature is as it should be. The reader embarks on a rollicking adventure with Lewis and Corky where they encounter terrifying creatures and nail-biting adventures at every turn of the page. Showcased is Mrs Wilson’s passion for the planet which leads us all to question our own environmental behaviour and commitment to preserving our world as we know it. Vortex 184 leaves the reader wanting more and, judging by the revelations of the final chapter, we have not seen the last of Lewis and Corky.

Author Visits

On Tuesday August 2nd the students in years 3-6 enjoyed a presentation from Oliver Phommavahn.

 Oliver loves to make people laugh, whether it’s on the page writing humour for kids or on stage as a stand-up comedian. He also shares his passion for writing with kids, using his experience as a primary school teacher. Oliver has performed at various comedy and writers festivals around Australia and Asia. (Oliver Phommavahn biography 2022)


On Tuesday August 23rd Lucas Proudfoot presented to the students in Kindergarten, years one and two.

Lucas Proudfoot is a member of the Tweed Coast Aboriginal and Islander community. He has a background in professional surfing, cultural dance and is an award-winning songwriter and musician. Lucas has been an Australian Indigenous Education Ambassador and is currently a role model for Books in Homes Australia. (The Proud Foots 2017)


Sights at The Book Parade

Our annual book parade took place on Thursday August 25th.  A diverse range of characters were represented!