Thursday, August 4, 2016

Reading Adventures in Term Three

Finally it is here! The most exciting time on the library calendar when we learn what books have been selected on Children’s Book Council short lists and prepare for our favourite event, the annual Cromer school book parade. Excitement is building in the library already.
MS Readathon
Fifty-five Cromer students have been participating in the MS Readathon and have, so far, raised  $2878 for this worthy cause. I am so proud of this effort and the contribution that Cromer students are making towards the search for a cure.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
The Premier’s Reading Challenge closes on August 19th. Many students have signed up but all reading logs need to be completed by this date.
Book Week
The Book Week theme this year is Australia Story Country. We live in a country that has many stories to tell.
In the library we celebrate the work of our wonderful Australian authors and illustrators who continue to enrich our lives with amazing novels, picture books and information books. This includes the work of our wonderful indigenous story tellers who help us to understand and appreciate their rich history and culture. We continue to celebrate the fact that we all have a story to tell and Cromer students are wonderful story writers.
Visiting Presenters
As part of our book week celebrations two presenters will be visiting the school this August. Steven Herrick is Australia’s most popular poet for young people. His books for children and young adults have received critical acclaim both here and overseas. He will perform for Years 5 and 6 on Wednesday August 17th.
Sam Derchie is a storyteller from Ghana. He encourages participation from the students by involving them in the singing of traditional folk songs which have been selected to reinforce themes in the stories that he tells. He will perform for students from Kindergarten to Year 4 on Tuesday August 30th.
Lunch With the Stars
On Tuesday August 30th I will be taking eight of the library monitors to Lunch with the Stars. This is an annual event held by the Children’s Book Council in the Great Hall at St Patrick’s Manly.
The event is a literary lunch where eight students and the teacher librarian from each participating school will sit at a table with an author for lunch and interesting presentations. We look forward to this event every year and value the opportunity to shake hands with many of our favourite authors.
The Library Program
In term three the students study the books that have been shortlisted or nominated as notable in a number of categories by the Children's Book Council . During the course of their studies the students research the authors and illustrators, examine the texts, discuss the themes and issues presented in the texts, and participate in visual literacy and online activities. The books to be studied are listed below.
Bogtrotter by Margaret Wilde and Judith Rossell
Big As You by Sara Acton
Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas by Aaron Blabey
My Dog Bigsy by  Alison Lester
The Cow Tripped Over the Moon by Laura Wood and Troy Wilson
Ollie and the Wind by Ronojoy Ghosh
Why I Love Footy  by Michael Wagner and Tom Jellett
Mr Huff  by Anna Walker
Perfect by Danny Parker and Freya Blackwood
Pig the Fibber by Aaron Blabey
The students will also participate in joint oral reading activities using Sunshine Books Online and related digital activities.
Mr Huff  by Anna Walker
Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas by Aaron Blabey
Perfect by Danny Parker and Freya Blackwood
My Dog Bigsy by    Alison Lester
The Cow Tripped Over the Moon by Laura Wood and Troy Wilson
Ollie and the Wind by Ronojoy Ghosh
Big As You by Sara Acton
Why I Love Footy  by Michael Wagner and Ton Jellett
Pig the Fibber by Aaron Blabey
Bogtrotter by Margaret Wilde and Judith Rossell
Stage One
The Cleo Stories by Libby Gleeson and Freya Blackwood
Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas by Aaron Blabey
Ollie and the Wind by Ronojoy Ghosh
Perfect by Danny Parker and Freya Blackwood
Mr Huff  by Anna Walker
The Cow Tripped Over the Moon by Laura Wood and Troy Wilson
My Dog Bigsy by    Alison Lester
Green Tree Frogs  by Sandra Kendell
Adelaide’s Secret World by Elise Hurst
How the Sun Got to Coco’s House by Bog Graham
Stage Two
Suri’s Wall by Lucy Estela and Matt Ottley
Ride, Ricardo Ride! By Phil Cummins and Shane Devries
One step at a Time by Jane Jolly and Sally Heinrich
And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda by Eric Bogle and Bruce Whatley
Flight Nadia Wheatley and Armin Greder
My Dead Bunny by Sigi Cole and James Foley
My Gallipoli  by Ruth Starke and Robert Hannaford
The White Mouse: the story of Nancy Wake by Peter Gouldthorpe
Bob the Railway Dog by Corinne Fenton and Andrew McLean
Platypus by Sue Whiting and Mark Jackson
Stage Three
Soon by Morris Gleitzman
Star of Deltora: Shadows of the Master by Emily Rodda
Sister Heart by Sally Morgan
Molly and Pim and the Thousands of Stars by    Martine Murray
Run, Pip Run by J C Jones
Lennie the Legend by Stephanie Owen Reeder
The White Mouse: the story of Nancy Wake by Peter Gouldthorpe
Phasmid; Saving the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect  by Rohna Cleave and Coral Tulloch
My Dead Bunny by Sigi Cole and James Foley
These are all wonderful books and we should have a great deal of fun studying them.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Term Two 2016

National Simultaneous Storytime
The students of Cromer School will participate in National Simultaneous Storytime on Wednesday May 25th.  This event aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. The Australian Library and Information Association tells us that:
Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. By facilitating National Simultaneous Storytime, we aim to:
  • promote the value of reading and literacy;
  • promote the value and fun of books;
  • promote an Australian writer and publisher;
  • promote storytime activities in public libraries and communities around the country;
  • provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion.
  • NSS receives positive media coverage, generates a great deal of community interest and is held annually as part of Library and Information Week.
This year the story that will be read is I Got this Hat  by Jol and Kate Temple. Follow the link above for all the details (All purple text in this post represents a link to more information).


One hundred and forty Cromer students have signed up for the Premier’s Reading Challenge this year. I am so pleased to see the enthusiasm of these young readers for borrowing and enjoying quality literature. It is not too late to begin. We have many books in the library that are on the PRC list.
The Library Program
Sunshine Books Online underpins the course of study designed for K/6J. The students will read texts together, engage in related digital activities and complete worksheets related to the texts studied.
The students in Kindergarten will study the work of author illustrator Bruce Whatley. His work is highly regarded both in Australia and internationally. Whatley has created over 60 picture books and has won many awards. The students always enjoy his humorous stories and vibrant illustrations.
Year One
The students in Year One will undertake a Colin McNaughton author study. The work of this author is a wonderful means by which the students can be introduced to the study of visual literacy.
Visual Literacy involves the skill of interpreting still and moving images, graphs, tables, maps and other graphic representations. It incorporates the understanding and evaluation of the manner in which images and language work together to present ideas.
Year Two
John Burningham is an author /illustrator. He has been writing children’s books since the 1960s and his work provides insights into many themes and issues confronting us in modern life. His work has appeal for both children and adults. The students should enjoy studying the wide range of Burningham’s works that have been chosen for this course of study.
Stage Two
The students in stage two will study the work of author/illustrator Colin Thompson. In his work the following themes can be found:
  • Happy endings
  • Everyone wins
  • Non-violent resolution
  • Imaginative and creative stories
  • Challenging stereotypes
  • Faith and hope
  • Peace with the environment
The students will also be introduced to Colin Thompson’s amusing series The Floods.
Stage Three
The course of study for Stage Three is based on the ABC television program Bushwhacked. The course of study aims to assist the students to:
  • Develop a coherent, dynamic and evolving body of knowledge about the English language and how it works;
  • Learn to interpret, appreciate and evaluate film and multimodal texts.
  • Apply their English skills and knowledge to read, view, speak, listen to and write a growing repertoire of texts.
  • Develop a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and environments throughout the world.
  • Gain deep geographical knowledge of their own locality, Australia, the Asia region and the world.
  • Acquire the ability to think geographically, using geographical concepts.
  • Develop the capacity to be competent, critical and creative users of geographical inquiry methods and skills.
  • Become responsible and active citizens who can contribute to the development of an environmentally and economically sustainable and socially just world.

It is shaping up to be an interesting and exciting term. Happy reading and researching!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Reading Adventures in 2016

At the start of this brand new year the students at Cromer School are certainly enjoying the library. There are lots of interesting areas to relax and enjoy the many new books that have been purchased in the past year. We have created many more labelled boxes which make it much easier for both the students and teachers to find texts by favourite authors or that provide information on specific subjects.

The students enjoy visiting the library each Monday, Tuesday and Friday morning before school and at lunch time on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Each class attends library lessons for a weekly forty minute lesson. Please endure that your child has a library bag (preferably waterproof) on their designated library day.

This year we welcome Ms Kimberley Lee to the library as library teacher each Friday.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. (NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge Website)

The challenge will open on the 7th of March and all students are encouraged to participate.

The Library Program


This term the kindergarten students will participate in a study of the work of Julia Donaldson. Her most famous book is the very much loved classic The Gruffalo. In our series of lessons we will study The Gruffalo and a number of Donaldson’s other works. The students will participate in a variety of related interactive activities using the Panaboard.

Years One and Two

I would like to extend the reading experience of the students by introducing them to the wonderful reading adventures that can be found in junior chapter books. There is a very large collection of junior chapter books in our library and throughout the term we will read a variety of texts from a number of different series that are on offer in the library.  A different set of books has been selected for each grade.

Stage Two (Years 3 and 4)

The students in stage Two will undertake a unit of study that is designed to help with the development of their research skills. We will be using World Book Online as well as film clips and books to research the following topics:

Environmental Pollution

The Human Body

Space Exploration

Feasts and Festivals

At the end of each research unit individual classes will create a challenge using the interactive tools in Smart Notebook. These challenges will be completed by the other classes in Stage Two.

Stage Three (Years 5 and 6)

Visual Literacy involves the skill of interpreting still and moving images, graphs, tables, maps and other graphic representations. It incorporates the understanding and evaluation of the manner in which images and language work together to present ideas.

The students will participate in a visual literacy program which explores the techniques used in the development of multimodal texts. Using the program The Text Files, the students will examine the techniques used in the production of plays, television advertisements, billboards, computer adventure games and comics.

The year is off to a great start and I am looking forward to our reading adventures in 2016.