Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It’s Stocktake Time!
This is a very busy time of year in the library when we take stock of all the resources. Thank you so much to all who have returned outstanding books. If you have books at home, it is not too late to return them. We are still counting!
Thank you so much to all the parents who have been so supportive of the programs that we have run in the library this year. I would like to extend my special thanks to those wonderful mothers who have given so much of their time to cover books. We really appreciate your efforts. Thanks also to Jen Webster and the P and C for their continued support.
Catherine Lindsay and Kylie Jarrett have done an outstanding job this year and have made the task of managing the library and implementing the programs so much easier with their dedication. I offer them my sincere thanks.
During the very exacting stocktaking process, Anne-Maree Hannigan has worked tirelessly and I really don’t know how I would have managed without her. I am most grateful for her efforts and those of Esti Von Huben who has given generously of her time this term.
To Greg, Julie, Leesa and the staff of Cromer I extend my thanks for their faith in me and their support of the programs that we have introduced this year. This has been a challenging and exciting year for me which has been extremely rewarding with the support of a staff that has been enthusiastic, encouraging and open to change.
Have a wonderful, safe and happy Christmas. I look forward to many new challenges in 2010.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome Back To Term 4

The programs that are being undertaken in the library this term have been designed to support the studies that are taking place in the classroom. An outline of the program for each grade is provided below.


To support the class unit of study How We Meet Our Needs the students will read factual and fictional texts related to the broad topics of housing, food, belonging, rules and clothing. Each week the text studied will be supported by examining and discussing a relevant Website. The Websites are stored in the hotlist which can be accessed via the following link:


Library lessons for K/6B have been designed to support their studies of the theme The Sea. Each lesson will contain a mix of interactive digital stories, which the students love, and an exploration of fictional and factual texts related to the theme.

Year One

In this unit the students will examine the difference between fairy tales and fables. They will be exposed to digital examples of both and will participate in Readers’ Theatre activities as a means of enjoying a shared reading experience. Each class will prepare a different Readers’ Theatre which will be performed for the rest of the grade via video recording. The hotlist for this unit can be accessed at the following link:

Year Two

Mrs Lindsay has designed a wonderful unit of work to support the Science theme Schoolyard Safari which explores the world of minibeasts. She has created a pathfinder which incorporates texts from the library and Websites that will take the students on a varied and detailed exploration of the creatures that inhabit the gardens of our school. A hotlist of links to used in this course can be accessed at the following link:

Year Three

Year 3 and 3/4B will be embarking on a detailed author study of Margaret Wild. The study will begin with an examination of the author’s Website and details of her life and writing experiences. We will read a number of her works and explore Websites related to issues in the texts. We will also study the illustrators who have contributed to her works and complete the study with a book review of one of Margaret Wild’s works. The related pathfinder can be accessed at the following link:

Year 4

The students will study the work of Margaret Clark with specific reference to two of the books A Home for Gnomes and Joan of Art. We will examine the many Margaret Clark books that are available in the library and discuss issues that are dealt with in her works. We will examine the Websites of illustrators with whom she has collaborated. The pathfinder related to this study can be accessed at the following link:

Years 5 and 6

To support the class study of Antarctica, the students will examine a number of Websites and texts. Beginning with a virtual tour of Antarctica via YouTube we will then learn about the adventures of explorers such as John Henry Collinson Close, Sir Douglas Mawson and Sir Ernest Shackleton by reading the books Ice Trap by Meredith Hopper and Antarctica Close Up by Hazel Edwards as well as analysing related Websites which detail these adventures. The hotlist used for this study can be accessed at the following link:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Term Three News

Welcome to the Cromer School Library Blog. This is where you will find information about the programs that we have been running in the library and the activities that the students have been involved in.

Library Lessons In Term 3
Term three has been spent studying the Children’s Book Council shortlisted books for 2009 and enjoying the book week theme Book Safari. A Smart notebook was created which provided links to Web Sites through which we could get to know more about the authors and illustrators of the shortlisted books. We also were able to examine YouTube clips related to issues in the books. The students voted for their favourites using an on-line visual ranking tool. Using this tool they were able to comment on the books and view the rankings and comments of other classes. We then waited with interest to see how our rankings compared with the decisions of the Children’s Book Council.
Our Wonderful New Bookstand
Thanks to the efforts of Jen Webster and the P and C, we have a wonderful new bookstand . At the moment it is showcasing many of the junior chapter books that we have in the library. The students have expressed great excitement at the ease with which they can find titles of interest.
Returning Books To The Library
We are now in the process of calling all borrowed items back into the library so that we can start the new term with full shelves. Have a great holiday!