Sunday, October 10, 2021

Reading Adventures In Term Four


This term we plan to explore the wonderful shortlisted and notable texts that were earmarked for term three before we were plunged into lock down.

The book week theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. In our library in Term 4 we will be exploring many worlds as we study the books that have been placed on the Children’s Book Council of Australia Notable List and Shortlist.

 The books on the Notable list this year showcase the huge talent of our authors and illustrators and contain a wide range of themes, characters and stories. It is stated on the CBCA website that the awards aim to:

·        promote quality literature for young Australians.

·        support and encourage a wide range of Australian writers and illustrators of children’s books.

·        celebrate contributions to Australian children’s literature.

We have a large collection from this year’s notable list in our library and term four will see all of the students at Cromer embarking on some exciting reading adventures.

The titles to be studied are as follows:


Norton and the Bear by Gabriel Evans

Anemone Is Not the Enemy by Anna McGregor

Evie Is All Ears by Kellie Byrnes and Lesley McGee

Sing Me a Summer by Jane Godwin and Alison Lester

There's No Such Thing by Heidie McKinnon

Bear in Space by Deborah Abela and Marjorie Crosby-Fairall

Busy Beaks by Sarah Allen

What Do You Call Your Grandpa? by Ashleigh Barton and Martina Heiduczak

No! Never! by Libby Hathorn and Lisa Hathorn-Jarman

I'll Always Be Older then You by Jane Godwin and Sara Acton

Soon by Libby Gleeson


Stage One

Good Question - A Tale Told Backwards by Sue Whiting and Annie White

Wolfred by Nick Bland

The Small Blue Dot by Zeno Swarder

Bin Chicken by Kate and Jol Temple

Pink by Margaret Wild and Judith Rossell

I Saw Pete and Pete Saw Me by Maggie Hutchings and Evie Barrow

Welcome Home to Country by Bronwyn Bancroft

Ellie's Dragon by Bob Graham

The Fire Wombat by Jackie French

Hello Jimmy by Anna Walker


Stage two

How to Make a Bird by Meg McKinlay and Matt Ottley

Anisa's Alphabet by Mike Dumbleton and Hannah Summerville

The Biscuit Maker by Sue Lawson and Liz Anelli

Girl from the Sea by Margaret Wild and Jane Tanner

Wolfred by Nick Bland

Jelly -Boy by Nicole Godwin and Christopher Nelson

The Unwilling Twin by Freya Blackwood

LittleLight by Kelly Canby


Stage Three

The students will study the book We Are Wolves by Katrina Nannestad. This book has been shortlisted in the category of Book of the Year for Younger Readers. I consider it to be the best of those selected.

At the end of each session the students will be asked to write a reflection on what has been read. They will be asked to:

Consider their reactions to the events and the actions of the main characters.

Make predictions about what will happen next.

Place themselves in the shoes of the main characters and consider how they would act in the same situation.

Reflect on their understanding and enjoyment of the story.

Finish with an illustration of their favourite event.

We also have a range of books from the Notable and Short List which will be available for borrowing.





Saturday, October 9, 2021

Unexpected Outcomes In Term Three

 We had great plans for our program in term three but Covid managed to change it all.

I have been on leave during term three and the online learning has been handled by Miss Remmington and Mrs Farr. They have done an outstanding job and I am very grateful for their hard work and dedication in difficult times.

The term four program will incorporate the units of work that we had planned before lockdown. There are wonderful new texts to study and I am sure that the students will enjoy the latest releases from outstandiang Australian authors and illustrators.