Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Term Four in Our Library


It was with great excitement that we welcomed the Scholastic Book Fair into our school for the first time in three years. The quality of books on offer did not disappoint and I know that our grandparents enjoyed purchasing books for their grandchildren on their special day. The book fair is always a wonderful opportunity to expose our students to a wide range of quality literature.



The students will study a range of picture books from our collection. Picture books are not only fun and delightful to read, but they are also a crucial tool for developing a child’s literacy and language skills in the early years and beyond.


Stage One

The students are undertaking an author study of the work of Colin Thompson.

They are enjoying identifying the following elements which are features of the work of the author:

Happy endings

Everyone winning

Nonviolent resolution

Imaginative and creative

Challenging stereotypes

Faith and hope

Peace with the environment


Stage Two

A unit of work has been designed to support the geography studies being undertaken in the classroom. We are addressing the question:

How do people's perceptions about places influence their views about the protection of places?

The question will be answered by investigating landmarks, national parks and sacred sites in Australia.

All work will be completed in Stile.


Stage Three

The first weeks of term have been dedicated to completing the study of the novel How to be prime Minister and Survive Grade 5 by Carla Fitzgerald.

In subsequent weeks the students will study episodes of the ACTF series Double Trouble.

This is s a story of different cultures, white and Aboriginal Australians and life in the city and in the bush.

Traditional ways of life and modern-day thinking are compared and examined. The story is an opportunity to explore Aboriginal culture without it being a tourist oddity. The major theme explores being exposed to a new and very different culture and having to cope.

Other themes to be studied in this course include Identity, relationships, family, twins, belonging, ancestry, stereotype, adolescence, growth and development, genre, humour and satire, expectations and decision making.

During this unit the students will undertake a visual literacy study of cinematic techniques used to create mood and tell a story while also analysing the underlying themes mentioned above.

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