Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Find Your Treasure in Term Three

The theme for book week this year is Find Your Treasure. In the library we are studying the books that have been identified as notable or have been shortlisted by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. Every book that we read contains many treasures.

MS Readathon

We will be supporting the MS readathon again this year. The students at Cromer have always risen to the challenge and raised money for this worthy cause. I know that they will again answer the challenge for the twofold reward of extending their reading skills and helping to find a cure for a condition that affects a number of friends and relatives of our school community. Follow the link below:
Cromer Public School Page

The Premier’s Reading Challenge

The challenge will close at the end of August. Please ensure that all reading logs are updated so that the students receive their certificates at the end of the year.

Author Visits

Jess Black is the co-author of the hugely successful Bindi Wildlife Adventure series, the RSPCA Animal Tales and The Caboodle Kid series. The students in Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two are looking forward to her visit on August 14th.

Mark Greenwood is an author with a passion for Australian history. His books have won multiple awards and have been published internationally. He will be sharing his creative writing process with the primary school students. He will present to Years 5 and 6 on August 23rd and to Years 3 and 4 on August 28th.

Book Parade

The annual book parade will take place on August 16th.  The students at Cromer always look forward to this wonderful celebration of literature and reading.

The library Program

The focus of library lessons in term three is our preparation for book week.

Book week demonstrates that we love to read and promote the value of books. Arielle Van Luyen is a lecturer in Creative writing at James Cook University. She states that:

Reading books on your own improves empathy and theory of mind, the ability to understand that others might think or behave differently to you. Fiction shows characters’ thoughts - and how those thoughts drive or are hidden by characters’ words and actions.

The course of study in term three aims to present examples of the latest quality literature to the students and encourage a love of reading. The books to be studied are listed below.


Great Goal Marvelous Mark ! by Katrina Germein

I'm Australian Too by Mem Fox

Nana's Button Tin by Dianne Wolfer

Shapes of Australia by Bronwyn Bancroft

The Cat Wants Cuddles by P Crumble

One Keen Koala  by Margaret Wild

Two Rainbows by Sophie Masson

Can You  Find Me?  by Gordon Winch

Busting  by Aaron Blabey

 The Very Sleepy Bear  by Nick Bland

Stage One

Mopoke by Philip Bunt

Second Sky by Patrick Guest

Boy by Phil Cummings

A Walk In the Bush  by Gwyn Perkins

Guff  by Aaron Blabey

The Very Noisy Bear  by Nick Bland

Archie and the Bear  by Zanni Louise

Pea Pod Lullaby by Glenda Millard

Glitch by Michelle Worthington

Watcha Building? by Andrew Daddo

Stage Two

Ruben By Bruce Whatley

Storm Whale by Sarah Brennan and Jane Tanner

Feathers by Phil Cummings and Phil Lesnie

Grandma Forgets by Paul Russell and Nicky Johnston

The ANZAC Tree by Christina Booth

The Second Sky by Patrick Guest and Johnathan Bentley

Rodney Loses It by Michael Gerard Bauer and Christina Krebs

Florette by Anna Walker

Swan Lake by Anne Spudvilas

Pupa Sky  by Jane Jolly and Sally Heinrich

Stage Three

Blossom by Tamsin Janu

Figgy Takes the Lead by Tamsin Janu

The Rogues; Accidental Heroes by Lian Turner

Jehan and the Quest of the Lost Dog by Rosanne Hawke

Jimmy Cook Discovers X Marks the Spot by Kate and Jol Temple

Lintang and the Pirate Queen by Tamara Moss

Marsh and Me by Martine Murray

Mr Bambuckle's Remarkables by Tim Harris

Mr Bambuckle's Remarkables Fight Back by Tim Harris

Nevermoor The Trails of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

Pip and Houdini by J.C. Jones

The Cursed First Term of Zelda Stitch:

Bad Teacher. Worse Witch. By Nicki Greenberg

The Elephant by Peter Carnavas

The Girl, The Dog and the Write in Rome by Katrina Nannaestad

The Grand Genius Summer of Henry Hobbler by Lisa Shanahan

The Shop at Hoopers Bend by Emily Rodder

Whimsy and Woe by Rebecca McRitchie

We look forward to having a wonderful time exploring the treasures in literature during term three.

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