National Simultaneous Storytime
The students
of Cromer School will participate in National Simultaneous Storytime on
Wednesday May 25th. This event aims to
encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. The Australian
Library and Information Association tells us that:
Every year a picture book, written
and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously
in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops
and many other places around the country. By facilitating National Simultaneous
Storytime, we aim to:
- promote the value of reading and literacy;
- promote the value and fun of books;
- promote an Australian writer and publisher;
- promote storytime activities in public libraries and communities around the country;
- provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and others to participate in and enjoy the occasion.
- NSS receives positive media coverage, generates a great deal of community interest and is held annually as part of Library and Information Week.
This year
the story that will be read is I Got this
Hat by Jol and Kate Temple. Follow
the link above for all the details (All purple text in this post represents a link to more information).
One hundred
and forty Cromer students have signed up for the Premier’s Reading Challenge
this year. I am so pleased to see the enthusiasm of these young readers for
borrowing and enjoying quality literature. It is not too late to begin. We have
many books in the library that are on the PRC list.
The Library
Books Online underpins the course of study designed for K/6J. The students will
read texts together, engage in related digital activities and complete
worksheets related to the texts studied.
The students
in Kindergarten will study the work of author illustrator Bruce Whatley. His
work is highly regarded both in Australia and internationally. Whatley has
created over 60 picture books and has won many awards. The students always
enjoy his humorous stories and vibrant illustrations.
Year One
The students
in Year One will undertake a Colin McNaughton author study. The work of this
author is a wonderful means by which the students can be introduced to the
study of visual literacy.
Literacy involves the skill of interpreting still and moving images, graphs,
tables, maps and other graphic representations. It incorporates the
understanding and evaluation of the manner in which images and language work
together to present ideas.
Year Two
John Burningham
is an author /illustrator. He has been writing children’s books since the 1960s
and his work provides insights into many themes and issues confronting us in
modern life. His work has appeal for both children and adults. The students
should enjoy studying the wide range of Burningham’s works that have been
chosen for this course of study.
Stage Two
The students
in stage two will study the work of author/illustrator Colin Thompson. In his
work the following themes can be found:
- Happy endings
- Everyone wins
- Non-violent resolution
- Imaginative and creative stories
- Challenging stereotypes
- Faith and hope
- Peace with the environment
The students
will also be introduced to Colin Thompson’s amusing series The Floods.
Stage Three
The course
of study for Stage Three is based on the ABC television program Bushwhacked. The course of study aims to
assist the students to:
- Develop a coherent, dynamic and evolving body of knowledge about the English language and how it works;
- Learn to interpret, appreciate and evaluate film and multimodal texts.
- Apply their English skills and knowledge to read, view, speak, listen to and write a growing repertoire of texts.
- Develop a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and environments throughout the world.
- Gain deep geographical knowledge of their own locality, Australia, the Asia region and the world.
- Acquire the ability to think geographically, using geographical concepts.
- Develop the capacity to be competent, critical and creative users of geographical inquiry methods and skills.
- Become responsible and active citizens who can contribute to the development of an environmentally and economically sustainable and socially just world.
It is shaping up to be an interesting and exciting term. Happy reading and researching!
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