Friday, May 4, 2018

Celebrating Reading and Learning in Term 2

National Simultaneous Storytime

On the 23rd of May at 11am Hickory Dickory Dash by Australian author Tony Wilson and illustrated by Laura Wood will be read simultaneously in libraries, schools, child care centres, book shops and family homes throughout the country as a celebration of the value of reading and literacy. The students of Cromer school will again participate in this exciting event. For more information follow the link to National Simultaneous Storytime.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge

Many Cromer students are busily participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge which will close on August 31st. The challenge aims to encourage students to read for leisure and pleasure.

The Library Program


The aim of the program for term two is to present the students with a wide range of picture books which will move them, entertain them and widen their horizons. These books have been selected as prime examples of quality literature that has been produced in the last year.

Through the reading of quality picture books we aim to encourage the students to become sophisticated readers of visual texts and develop the ability to think creatively and imaginatively while maintaining good reading habits.

Stage One (Years One and Two)

Jess Black is an Australian children’s author. She has written over thirty junior fiction books and picture books. She is the co-author of the hugely successful Bindi Wildlife Adventure series which is extremely popular in our library.

Jess will be visiting our school as part of our book week celebrations in term three. The Bindi Wildlife series will be the focus of our unit of study this term. This unit of work will also encourage the students to continue to explore the world of chapter books.

Stage Two (Years 3 and 4)

Visual knowledge is understanding how visual elements such as line, colour, shape, texture, space, symbols, pattern and composition create meaning.

The visual literacy program explores a range of text types including examples of spoken, written and visual texts. The focus of this exploration is a study of the linguistic structures and features of a variety of text types. Included in this unit of work is the study of the following:

·      Television Advertisements

·      Billboards

·      Filmed Plays

The aspects of visual literacy studied in the library will be incorporated into the work done with the class teachers in the development of a filmed advertisement for the creature and insect food products that were designed in the term one program.

Year 5

Mark Greenwood is an author who has a passion for Australian history. His award-winning books have been published and honoured both in Australia and internationally. Mark produces historical texts for students which are the result of extensive research. He will be our visiting presenter during our book week celebrations in term three. His works provide inspiring insights into the historical events that are to be examined by Stage 3 during term 2

Other historical writers are Mark Wilson and Claire Saxby. The works of these outstanding Australian authors will, not only enhance the studies of Australian history in term 2, but will also inspire a natural curiosity in the students about the history of our country. The program has been designed to support the history unit that is being undertaken in class.

Year 6

The students will undertake a case study of Indonesia through two geographical inquiry processes. The first requires students to investigate the connection between Australia and Indonesia (eg. trade, aid, tourism, sporting, diplomatic). The second inquiry explores the various perceptions and perspectives that Australian people have about Indonesia. The unit has been designed to complement the geography unit that is being studied in class.